Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. rates small earthquakes based on its wave recorded
  2. 7. the stress force that pulls on the crust and thins rock in the middle part
  3. 9. force that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks
  4. 10. where rocks on each side of the fault slip past eachother
  5. 11. a point directly above the focus
  6. 12. rates the total energy released in an earthquake
  7. 15. a area beneath earths surface under stress
  8. 16. seismic waves that move back and forth
  9. 18. fault where a hanging wall moves up and a footwall moves down
  10. 19. a large area of flat land elevated high above sea level
  1. 1. rates the amount of shaking from an eartquake
  2. 2. seismic waves that move in a cirle
  3. 3. a single number that geologists use to assign to an earthquake based on the earthquakes size
  4. 5. a fold in rock that bends upwards
  5. 6. fault where rock is pulled apart by tension in earths crust
  6. 8. seismic waves that vibrate side to side
  7. 10. is an instrument that records earthquakes seismic waves
  8. 13. is the record of earths seismic waves produced by an seismograph
  9. 14. stress that pushes a mass of rock in two oppisite directions
  10. 17. shaking of earths tectonic plates