Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Zone- area where one plate is being pulled under the edge of another.
  2. 4. A high, large mass of earth and rock that rises above the earth's surface with steep or sloping sides.
  3. 8. - two plates slide past each other.
  4. 10. Hard and rigid, it's the earth's outermost and thinnest layer
  5. 13. An extremely hot, solid sphere of mostly iron and nickel at the center of the earth
  6. 14. Subdivided into two regions, upper and lower, this dense layer made of hot, semisolid rock is located directly below the crust
  7. 17. earth's continents were once joined together in one large mass
  8. 18. noticed that the coastlines of Africa and South America looked like they might fit together
  9. 19. The sudden movement is what we feel as the shaking and trembling
  10. 20. dropped zone where the plates are pulling apart
  1. 2. The earth's crust found underneath the oceans.
  2. 3. - two plates that are moving apart from each other.
  3. 5. only liquid layer of the earth – a sea of mostly iron and nickel.
  4. 6. The earth's crust that makes up the continents.
  5. 7. A vent in the earth's surface through which magma and gases erupt.
  6. 9. A hot, semiliquid zone on which the tectonic plates float.
  7. 11. A arc-shaped chain of volcanoes formed above a subduction zone.
  8. 12. Rigid outer layer of the earth broken up into the tectonic plates.
  9. 15. - two plates are pushing toward each other
  10. 16. a crack or fracture in the earth's crust that is associated with this movement