Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. The super continent from millions of years ago
  2. 3. When the oceanic crust slides under the continental crust
  3. 6. When plates move towards each other and creates mountains on the sea floor
  4. 7. Plate boundary that moves towards each other
  5. 8. Where the crust and mantle are located
  6. 9. When plates move away from each other and creates a deep pit on the sea floor
  7. 12. When convergent plates push continental crust upward
  1. 2. Caused by transform plate boundaries
  2. 4. Plate boundary that move away from each other
  3. 5. When trenches and ridges are formed by the oceanic plates moving towards or away from each other
  4. 10. Plate boundary that shifts against each other
  5. 11. When convergent plates push together and magma rises up and spews from the top