Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. An opening in the earth where magma and hot steam can rise up.
  2. 5. The type of boundary that occurs when two plates pull away from each other.
  3. 6. The type of crust underneath continents.
  4. 7. A type of boundary where two plates brush back and forth against each other.
  5. 8. The thickest layer of the earth.
  6. 10. It contains convection currents.
  7. 12. The type of crust underneath the ocean.
  8. 14. The liquid layer of the earth.
  9. 15. The type of boundary that occurs when two plates push toward each other.
  10. 16. The most dense layer of the earth, composed of iron and nickel.
  1. 1. When one plate moves underneath another plate.
  2. 2. The theory created by Alfred Wegener that say the earth has plates that move across the mantle.
  3. 4. Made up of the upper mantle and the crust.
  4. 9. A supercontinent that existed before the world looked the way it does today.
  5. 11. One of the effects from a transform boundary.
  6. 13. The outermost and thinnest layer of the earth.