Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. a form of volcano's shaped like a boot
  2. 9. the thinnest layer
  3. 10. the outer layer of Earth (Mantle,Crust)
  4. 11. a piece of earth that sepereates
  5. 14. part of earth
  6. 15. 2 plates move away
  7. 18. the inner part of the core
  8. 20. the theory of a famous scientist
  9. 21. a plate that has to do with land
  10. 23. plates move together
  11. 24. crack in earth
  1. 1. the sea floor moves
  2. 2. discovered sea floor spreading
  3. 3. a force that pushes together
  4. 4. discovered continental drift
  5. 6. plates move side by side
  6. 7. hard
  7. 8. layer of the atmosphere of the earth
  8. 12. the hottest layer
  9. 13. to plates collide to cause a shake
  10. 16. shifting that moves Earth 2 cm a year
  11. 17. the thickest layer
  12. 19. a plate that has to do with water
  13. 22. liquid, iron-nickel layer of the Earth between the solid inner core and lower mantle