Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Moving together
  2. 10. Mountain range made by continental continental convergence
  3. 11. Movement of heat in solids or liquids
  4. 12. More Dense crust
  5. 13. Occur at all types of plate boundaries
  6. 14. Mountain range made by oceanic continental convergence
  7. 15. Place continent is splitting apart
  1. 1. One plate being pushed under another
  2. 2. Less dense crust
  3. 3. Moving side to side
  4. 5. Form at divergent boundaries and subduction zones
  5. 6. Forms in ocean at subduction zone
  6. 7. Made up of oceanic, and continental,crust and upper mantle
  7. 8. Moving apart
  8. 9. A push or a pull