Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. a continuous elevated zone on the floor of all the major ocean basins.
  2. 5. hypothesis that said all present continents nice existed as a single supercontinent
  3. 6. Process that deforms Earth’s Crust for structural features.
  4. 7. Primary driving force for movement of tectonic plates
  5. 8. German Meteorologist and geophysicist
  6. 13. trench a narrow and elongated depression of the seafloor
  7. 15. when igneous rocks melt over a temp range.
  8. 16. The name of the supercontinent including all of the existing continents
  9. 17. Where two plates move apart.
  10. 18. a boundary in which two plates more together.
  11. 19. a hypothesis that said new ocean crust is produced at the crests of mid-ocean ridges.
  1. 1. a chain of volcanic islands
  2. 2. Two ocean slabs converge.
  3. 3. a boundary when two plates slide past one another.
  4. 4. when two continental plates collide
  5. 9. Largest plate
  6. 10. elevated areas of the seafloor characterized by high heat flow and volcanism.
  7. 11. as tectonic forces continue to pull apart the crust, the fragments sink which causes this.
  8. 12. linear zones of irregular topography on the deep-ocean floor.
  9. 14. Theory that says Earths outer shell consists of individual plates.