Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. is the study of vibrations within Earth.
  2. 6. a crack, split, or break in something.
  3. 7. is a continuous range of undersea volcanic mountains that encircles the globe almost entirely underwater.
  4. 8. is made of solid rocks and minerals.
  5. 14. forms as magma deep inside the Earth pushes toward the surface but fails to break through the crust.
  6. 15. is the rocky outer part of Earth.
  7. 16. is any of several large geographical regions.
  8. 17. are the processes that result in the structure and properties of the Earth's crust and its evolution through time.
  9. 18. molten or partially molten rock from which igneous rocks form.
  10. 19. This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide.
  1. 1. (Spreading):This is where two plates move away from each other.
  2. 3. is the shaking caused by the rupture (breaking) and subsequent displacement of rocks (one body of rock moving with respect to another) beneath Earth’s surface.
  3. 4. occurs at divergent plate boundaries.
  4. 5. is a geological process in which the oceanic lithosphere and some continental lithosphere is recycled into the Earth's mantle at the convergent boundaries between tectonic plates.
  5. 9. marks the position at which the flexed, subducting slab begins to descend beneath another lithospheric slab.
  6. 10. an extended break in a body of rock, marked by the relative displacement and discontinuity of strata on either side of a particular surface.
  7. 11. are The border between two tectonic plates.
  8. 12. is a layer inside a planetary body bounded below by a core and above by a crust.
  9. 13. are openings, or vents where lava, tephra (small rocks), and steam erupt onto the Earth's surface.
  10. 14. was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.