Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Molten rock, gases, and solid crystals and minerals
  2. 4. Two plates sliding past each other
  3. 10. Two plates pushing toward each other
  4. 12. Two plates moving apart from each other
  5. 13. Crust that underlies oceans
  6. 14. A vent in the Earth' surface through which magma and gases erupt
  7. 15. The innermost part of the Earth
  8. 17. A sudden jerk of land of the release of tension
  9. 19. The last supercontinent
  10. 20. A dropped zone where plates are pulling apart
  1. 2. Two tectonic plates _____ past each other in a horizontal direction
  2. 3. The collision between two continental plates form _________
  3. 5. Located directly below the crust
  4. 6. Directly underneath the Lithosphere
  5. 7. Made up of crust and a tiny bit of the upper mantle
  6. 8. Crust that underlies continents
  7. 9. The border between two tectonic plates
  8. 11. Deep ocean ______, or valley
  9. 16. The topmost layer of the Earth
  10. 18. A crack or fracture in the Earth's crust