Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Type of boundary where two plates slide past each other in opposite directions.
  2. 4. These occur at transform boundary faults and can cause tremendous devastation.
  3. 7. (TWO words, no spaces) Scientists believe these are occuring in the mantle and moving the tectonic plates.
  4. 11. (THREE words, no spaces) These form in the ocean at subduction zones when two plates converge under water.
  5. 14. (THREE Words, no spaces) These are formed under water at divergent plate boundaries. They are areas where new ocean crust is formed.
  6. 15. (TWO WORDS, no spaces) Theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move on the asthenosphere.
  1. 1. The process when one tectonic plate moves underneath the other.
  2. 2. Type of plate boundary where two plates collide.
  3. 5. (TWO words, no spaces) This forms ON LAND at divergent plate boundaries. There is a FAMOUS one in Eastern Africa.
  4. 6. (THREE Words) Process that happens at divergent oceanic boundaries when new oceanic crust is created.
  5. 8. (TWO WORDS, no spaces) The name of Alfred Wegner's theory that continents were once joined as one large, single land mass.
  6. 9. The name of the breaks that are along a transform boundary created by the shearing of two pieces of crust. There is a FAMOUS ONE in California.
  7. 10. (Last Name Only) Scientist that proposed Earth's continets were once joined together in a single land mass.
  8. 12. Type of plate boundary where two plates separate or move apart.
  9. 13. The name of the supercontinent that existed 245 million years ago.