Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. basins / Dense crust that sinks lower in the asthenosphere than the less dense continental crust resulting in depression on Earth's surface and fills with water
  2. 5. / Major geological events that occur when plates shift suddenly and release stored energy; a frequent occurrence at transform boundaries
  3. 6. / what happens when two plates of equal density converge
  4. 7. Plate / A tectonic plate division of the lithosphere that is composed entirely of oceanic crust; lies beneath the Pacific
  5. 8. plate / A tectonic plate division of the lithosphere including most of the land masses of Europe and Asia
  6. 10. / occurs when one plate is denser than another and is forced below as the two plates converge at their boundary
  1. 1. American Plate / A tectonic plate division of the lithosphere including the continental crust of Greenland, North America, Siberia, and the surrounding oceanic crust.
  2. 2. / Major geological events that occur when a dense plate subducts below a less dense plate
  3. 4. / Huge pieces of lithosphere that slowly move on the asthenosphere, and consists of the crust and the rigid, upppermost part of the mantle
  4. 9. plate / A tectonic plate division of the lithosphere composed of the continental crust of Africa and surrounding oceanic crust