Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. a thicker but less dense crust making up the earth's land
  2. 8. a supercontinent that existed about 550 milion years ago
  3. 10. the rising of oceanic crust caused by a convergent boundary
  4. 11. an invisible field surrounding the earth which is responsible for electromagnetic activity on the planet
  5. 13. the second and thickest layer of the earth which is made up of magma
  6. 16. a common metal believed to be found inside of the earth's outer core
  7. 17. a common metal found inside of the earth's cores
  8. 20. molten rock found upon the earth's surface
  9. 22. the final and innermost layer of the earth which is made up of solid metals
  10. 23. a type of volcano distinguised by a large and flat dome-like base
  11. 24. the shaking of the earth's crust due to tectonic movements
  12. 27. a type of volcano distinguished by a standard base but cone-shaped peak
  13. 28. molten rock found within the earth's crust and mantle
  14. 29. the outermost and thinnest layer of the earth which is made up of solid rocks
  15. 30. a boundary in which two tectonic plates collide
  16. 31. the area between two tectonic plates
  17. 32. a large and devastating wave caused by tectonic activity
  18. 33. the separation and spreading of oceanic crust found upon a divergent boundary
  1. 1. a boundary in which two tectonic plates move apart
  2. 2. a thin and dense crust found below the earth's oceans
  3. 4. a boundary in which two tectonic plates slide against eachother
  4. 5. a supercontinent that existed about 335 million years ago
  5. 6. a fracture between sets of rock or plates
  6. 7. the movement of earth's crust due to the movement of tectonic plates
  7. 9. large rocks that move around underneath the earth's crust
  8. 12. a scale to measure the severity of an earthquake
  9. 14. the upper section of the earth's mantle and the crust
  10. 15. a type of volcano distuinguished by a recognisable and extremely tall cone shape
  11. 18. currents found within the mantle caused by the rising and falling of heat in the magma
  12. 19. the third layer of the earth which is made up of liquid metals
  13. 21. a mountainous-like mound of varying shapes and sizes that connect to magma chambers below the earth through vents
  14. 25. a lowland often found between montainous regions at divergent boundaries
  15. 26. an event in which crust or a tectonic plate slides underneath another