plate tectonics

  1. 3. the center of earth (really hot)
  2. 5. the uper layer of earths mantle
  3. 7. a system of detection of objects under water
  4. 10. when rock solidifies while lined up with earths magnetic field
  5. 11. violent sacking of the ground
  6. 13. center of an earthquake
  7. 16. when rocks are squashed together
  8. 17. when two plates collide and one dives under the other
  9. 18. a volcanic rock
  1. 1. a point on earths surface above the focus of an earthquake
  2. 2. when two plates move away from each-other
  3. 4. an elastic wave produced by earthquakes
  4. 6. hot fluid within the earths crust
  5. 8. outer part of earth consist of crust and mantle
  6. 9. when rocks are slowly pulled apart
  7. 12. came up with the theory of seafloor spreading
  8. 14. a mountain made of cooled magma
  9. 15. is where two plates slip sideways next to eachother