Plate tectonics

  1. 3. Formation of new oceanic crust
  2. 6. When the plates are spreading away from eachother
  3. 7. when the lava flow switches in polarity
  4. 8. Deep valley created by divergent boundaires
  5. 10. When tectonic plates slide past eachother
  6. 11. when another plate goes beneath another
  1. 1. The theory that the earth is made up of plates
  2. 2. An underwater mountain range formed by plate tectonics
  3. 4. The movement of continents over geological time
  4. 5. When all the other coninents were once connected
  5. 9. When magma rises up creating underwater islands and volcanos that rise to the surface over geological time
  6. 10. deep underwater oceanic valley