Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. boundary, where plates slip past each other
  2. 5. the sinking movement of ocean floor back into the mantle
  3. 6. spreading, molten rock flows through a crack in Earth's crust and hardens into solid strips on both sides of the crack
  4. 9. cyclical movement of fluids or gases due to temperature differences
  5. 10. an idea that can be tested by experimentation
  6. 11. boundary, where plates move together
  7. 13. crust, this crust is more dense
  1. 1. refers to Earth's crust and the large scale processes that occur within it
  2. 3. ridge, long zipper like chains of undersea mountains
  3. 4. ideas that are supported by a vast diverse array of evidence
  4. 7. of Fire, places along the edges of the Pacific Plate where there are many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes
  5. 8. boundary, where plates move apart where seafloor spreading occurs
  6. 9. crust, this crust is less dense
  7. 12. trenches, undersea valleys that are the deepest part of the ocean