Plate Tectonics 8.137

  1. 4. what continental crust is made of
  2. 6. these form when continental plates collide
  3. 10. when two plates slide past
  4. 11. slime like and has convection currents
  5. 13. when two plates move apart
  6. 14. when ocean crust goes under continental
  7. 15. forms when oceanic plates converge
  8. 17. heat transfer by gas or liquid
  1. 1. what oceanic crust is made of
  2. 2. when two plates come together
  3. 3. made of solid nickel and iron
  4. 5. heat transfer by sun or fire
  5. 7. super continent
  6. 8. layer of earth with plate tectonics
  7. 9. heat by direct contact
  8. 12. rocks formed from ancient glaciers
  9. 16. predicted direction Australia will move