Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. The layer that the tectonic plates float on.
  2. 7. A type of plate boundary where two plates slide past each other.
  3. 9. Natural occurrence caused by transform boundaries.
  4. 10. A type of plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  5. 12. The type of crust that makes up the ocean floor of the plate. It is more dense but thinner.
  6. 14. Natural occurrence caused by divergent boundaries.
  7. 15. Number of different plate boundaries.
  8. 16. Measure of how compact the layer is.
  1. 1. The first scientist that brought up the theory of plate tectonics.
  2. 2. The type of heat movement that happens in the mantle that is the main part of plate movement.
  3. 4. The type of crust that makes up the land of a plate. It is thicker but less dense.
  4. 5. Natural occurrence caused by convergent boundaries.
  5. 6. A type of plate boundary where two or more plates collide or subduct.
  6. 8. Theory that the Earth's crust is divided into different plates that move over time.
  7. 11. When a plate slides under another plate.
  8. 13. The name of the supercontinent as named by Alfred Wegener.