Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Formed by ocean to continent convergent boundaries
  2. 8. Plates move on top of this layer
  3. 10. Formed by continent to continent convergent boundries
  4. 11. Tectonic plates are made from this layer
  5. 14. Hot rock rises, cool rock sinks
  6. 15. Boundary where tectonic plates slide past each other
  7. 16. Molten rock from a volcano
  8. 17. When one plate sinks under another plate
  9. 19. Most common type of divergent boundary
  1. 1. Theory that the Earth's crust is divided in sections
  2. 2. The rate of movement in plates
  3. 3. Boundary where tectonic plate collide
  4. 5. Plate sinks and is pulled down by gravity
  5. 6. Boundary where tectonic plates seperate
  6. 7. Where the San Andreas Fault is located
  7. 9. Formed by transform boundaries
  8. 12. Mid ocean ridge forces older crust to move
  9. 13. Helps to track plate movement
  10. 18. A place where tectonic plates touch