Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes

  1. 2. Fault usually found at convergent plate boundaries
  2. 3. Driving force of continental drift
  3. 4. Formed when continental plates spread apart
  4. 6. A plate boundary where plates are moving towards one another
  5. 9. Break in the Earth's crust/lithosphere
  6. 10. Large wave created by an undersea earthquake
  7. 11. Fault with horizontal motion
  8. 13. Underwater mountain chain along divergent plate boundary
  9. 16. California's major fault
  10. 20. A plate boundary where plates are spreading apart
  11. 22. Fault usually found at divergent plate boundaries
  12. 23. Supercontinent (means "worldwide earth" in Greek)
  1. 1. The west coast of North America is made up of many ___________ terranes
  2. 3. Process of one plate sinking beneath another
  3. 4. 90% of the world's earthquakes are along the
  4. 5. Northern supercontinent
  5. 7. Ancient reptile that provided fossil evidence for continental drift
  6. 8. Worldwide ocean
  7. 11. New oceanic crust is formed during _________ spreading
  8. 12. Instrument for measuring earthquakes
  9. 14. Formed when two oceanic plates converge
  10. 15. Southern supercontinent
  11. 17. The point on the Earth's surface above an earthquake's location
  12. 18. Discovered continental drift
  13. 19. __________ magnitude scale
  14. 20. Fault with vertical motion
  15. 21. A more horizontal fault found at convergent plate boundaries