Plate Tectonics and Volcanism

  1. 7. A type of lithospheric plate that is made of heavier basalt and gabbro rocks.
  2. 9. These are massive, irregular slabs of solid rock that covers the surface of the Earth.
  3. 12. It means carpenter or builder.
  4. 13. These are areas or columns where magma rises toward the Earth's surface.
  5. 14. A supercontinent that broke into two smaller supercontinents.
  6. 15. He developed and published the world's first atlas.
  1. 1. The body of water that separated Laurasia and Gondwanaland.
  2. 2. It is also known as submarine volcanoes.
  3. 3. It refers to the idea that Earth contracted during the cooling process producing the physical features of the planet's surface.
  4. 4. A tectonic plate that is considered as both a primary and secondary plate.
  5. 5. He proposed the Continental Drift Theory.
  6. 6. A supercontinent that existed 1,100 million years ago.
  7. 8. It refers to the equilibrium that exists on the Earth's surface.
  8. 10. A mountain that opens downward to a reservoir of magma.
  9. 11. These are locations on the Earth's surface that have experienced volcanic activities for a long time.