Plate Tectonics (Boundaries)

  1. 2. the plate that holds the third largest continent(Africa)
  2. 4. the plate that upholds fiji
  3. 7. the year that the theory became known (in 1900's)
  4. 8. the plate that lies bettween the eurasian plate and the african plate(Arabian sea)
  5. 11. caused by a divergent plate pulling away from one another and creates an underwater ridge Ex: Mid Atlantic Ridge
  6. 12. the plate in witch South America is located
  7. 13. the plate just west of the South American plate (stats with a N)
  8. 16. the plate in witch the Caribbean lies
  9. 17. two plates slipping passed one another.
  10. 19. holds the worlds largest continent/also the worlds largest country(Russia)
  1. 1. the man who came up with the theory of plate tectonics and continental drift
  2. 3. two plates that pull away from each other.
  3. 5. the plate in witch Antarctica is located
  4. 6. these are caused by two convergent plates running into each other (they move upward)
  5. 7. the plate that holds North America
  6. 9. the plate in witch the philippines are located
  7. 10. a land form that is formed where a convergent plate comes together usually shoots out lava
  8. 14. the plate that hold most of earths water
  9. 15. a line of volcanos located on the outer edges of the Pacific plate
  10. 18. two plates pushing against each other that can form mountains.