Plate Tectonics By:Emy Turner

  1. 1. an opening in a planet or moon's crust
  2. 8. chamber a large pool of liquid rock beneath the surface
  3. 9. often ejected with great force, can travel significant distances from the volcano before solidifying
  4. 10. Propagation of mechanical energy through the earth's layers
  5. 12. any sudden shaking of the ground
  1. 2. the passage way that magma travels to reach the surface
  2. 3. a hard, dark, glass like volcanic rock
  3. 4. A flat piece of rock formed when magma hardens in a crack in a volcano
  4. 5. funnel-shaped depression that usually lies directly above the vent\
  5. 6. the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope
  6. 7. The geographic location and depth where the earthquake starts
  7. 9. the place at the Earth's surface where lava flows
  8. 11. Line along which two sections of rock can move against each other