Plate Tectonics Cris-cross!

  1. 1. deep underwater canyons that the sea-floor plunges into
  2. 6. a form of heat transferin the form of heat waves that can be absorbed by other objects
  3. 8. crust that sits on the ocean floor
  4. 11. a form of heat transfer which ocurs when 2 objects touch
  5. 12. a boundry of tectonic plates where they are moving away from eachother
  6. 17. where pieces of earth's crust are coming apart on land
  7. 18. a record of an earthquake created by a seismograph after the earthquake hits
  8. 20. long mountain ranges that rise up from the ocean floor that add material to the seafloor from the mantle
  1. 2. a form of heat transfer that only ocurs in gasses and liquids
  2. 3. the process where older seafloor sinks back into the mantle by way of a deep ocean trench
  3. 4. the theory that the plates are always slowly moving because of movement deeper in earth
  4. 5. the layer of Earth that we are on
  5. 7. breaks in Earths crust where the plates have moved past eachother
  6. 9. crust that the continents sit on/are made out of
  7. 10. the shaking that happens because of movement of the rock beneath Earth's surface
  8. 13. a boundry of tectonic plates where they try to move in oposite directon and when they move they cause earthquakes
  9. 14. the most recent supercontinent
  10. 15. a piece of the cracked shell of the crust and rests on the mantle while fitting snuggly with eachother
  11. 16. a boundry of tectonic plates where they come together
  12. 19. the tool we use to measure seismic waves