Plate Tectonics Crossward Puzzle

  1. 2. tectonic plate boundary where plates come together.
  2. 3. a long, narrow ditch at the bottom of the ocean.
  3. 4. vertical movement of currents caused by temperature difference in a fluid such as air.
  4. 5. a high-energy wave caused by an earthquake, volcano, landslide or other natural event that displaces and distributes energy through the ocean waters.
  5. 6. a sudden violent shake of the ground, a result of movements within the earth's crust.
  6. 8. a deep rift valley formed by the divergent boundary, extending the length of the Mid- Ocean Ridge and the site of frequent volcanic activity.
  7. 10. tectonic plate boundary where plates move away from each other.
  8. 11. formation of new areas of oceanic crust
  9. 13. tectonic process where one plate is pulled beneath the other.
  1. 1. where two plates either come together, move away or slide past each other.
  2. 2. the theory of ______________ is that Earth's continents were once joined together and have since drifted apart.
  3. 7. interaction causes continental drift, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains and oceanic trenches.
  4. 9. tectonic plate boundary where plates slide past each other.
  5. 12. The theory of ____________ is that Earth's lithosphere is divided into plates that move.