Plate Tectonics CW 1

  1. 2. All the oceans, rivers, lakes and water on Earth. It comes from the word “Hydro” which means “water.”
  2. 3. Movement caused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking.
  3. 6. The outer most layer of the Earth. This is the layer we walk on.
  4. 7. a theory that proposes that magma under Earth’s crust is forced up toward the surface at the mid-ocean ridges, forming new seafloor
  5. 9. A solid form of carbon dioxide that is very cold and turns directly from a solid to a gas.
  6. 12. Wegener’s hypothesis that all continents were once connected in a large landmass that broke apart & drifted slowly to their current positions
  7. 16. large, slow moving bodies of ice on land
  8. 17. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move towards each other.
  9. 19. When two tectonic plates slowly crash into each other and mountains are formed.
  10. 20. melted rock
  11. 21. A scientist who studies earthquakes.
  12. 24. To reuse something that would have otherwise been thrown out or to turn it into something usable again instead of sending it to a landfill.
  13. 25. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move away from each other.
  14. 26. the layer below the lithosphere and is plasticlike
  15. 27. All the living things on Earth. It comes from the word “Bio” which means “life.”
  1. 1. a cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinking
  2. 4. When one tectonic plate converges under another due to density differences.
  3. 5. All the rock, soil and sediments that makeup Earth’s land. It comes from the word “Geo” which means “Earth.”
  4. 8. Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.
  5. 10. a chain of ridges and valleys stretching along Earth’s ocean floor
  6. 11. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates slide past each other.
  7. 13. pull-apart forces
  8. 14. a single landmass composed of all the continents joined together
  9. 15. this layer is formed with the crust and rigid upper mantle, and is above the asthenosphere
  10. 18. All the gases surrounding the earth. It comes from the word “Atmos” which means “air.”
  11. 22. the process of moving things from one place to another.
  12. 23. large sections of Earth’s crust and upper mantle