Plate Tectonics & Earth's Layers

  1. 2. this is what happens when a plate moves BELOW another plate. For example, oceanic plates subducting under continental plates creates above ground volcanos.
  2. 4. Heat & pressure do this, the further down you go from the Earth's crust to the core
  3. 5. this is created when 2 oceanic plates spread apart. Seafloor spreading happens, when is what happens when new seafloor is being created; like when the Atlantic Ocean began growing.
  4. 7. this part of the Earth's crust is found under the oceans AND is only about 5km thick.
  5. 8. the type of movement that happens when 2 or more things come together.
  6. 10. this is what is created when an oceanic plate moves below a continental plate, because the oceanic plate takes water with it; which mixes with magma.
  7. 15. this is a landform made when 2 continental plates crash into each other and an upheaval of land/rock happens.
  8. 17. sections of the Earth's crust that move, because of the convection currents in the mantle of the Earth
  9. 19. this layer of the Earth is solid in the upper and lower parts, and is liquid-like in the middle; because convection currents causes flowing of the material here.
  10. 20. a large break in the Earth's crust.
  11. 21. a vibration of the Earth's plates that is caused by 2 plates sliding past each other AND getting stuck on one another.
  12. 22. when convection currents do THIS, heat is taken away from the plates and the plates come closer together
  1. 1. when convection currents do THIS, heat is added to the plates and the plates separate and move apart
  2. 3. this is created when an older oceanic plate moves below another younger oceanic plate. Because the plate takes water with it when it moves below, it mixes with magma.
  3. 6. this layer of the Earth's crust is solid, because there is SO MUCH heat and pressure, the nickel and iron metals are squeezed into a solid.
  4. 8. these are the heat waves that travel through the Earth's mantle, and allow the plates on the crust to move.
  5. 9. the type of movement that happens when 2 or more things spread apart.
  6. 11. this layer of the Earth is the only COMPLETELY liquid layer of the Earth. It is made of two metals: nickel and iron.
  7. 12. the movement of the Earth's crust upward. This upward motion creates mountains.
  8. 13. Heat & pressure do this, the further up you go from the Earth's core to the crust
  9. 14. this part of the Earth's crust is found under the continents AND is about 30km thick.
  10. 16. the layer of the Earth we live on. This is the outermost layer of the Earth.
  11. 18. this was the name of the Earth's continents, when all 7 of them were joined together, 200 million years ago.