Plate tectonics features

  1. 1. Hawaii is known for these kinds of volcanoes
  2. 4. rocks that are changed from their original form are ___________
  3. 5. lava plateau in India
  4. 9. the crust and the upper mantle comprise the _____
  5. 11. plugs and calderas are examples of ________ volcanic features
  6. 12. formed by an intrusion of magma that cuts across the bedding plane
  7. 14. ___________zones occur in areas of convergence
  1. 2. the point of origin of an earthquake is called the _________
  2. 3. dome-shaped reservoir of magma
  3. 6. formed from a collapsed volcano dome
  4. 7. this piece of evidence was used by Wegener to prove that continental drift had taken place
  5. 8. molten material from the mantle under the Earth's surface
  6. 10. an example of an ash and cinder volcano
  7. 13. _________ is an extrusive igneous rock