Plate Tectonics & Features

  1. 2. Theory proposing the existence of large plates in Earth's interior
  2. 3. Idea stating that continents drifted away from each other overtime
  3. 5. Hot underwater mounds that exist in deep ocean areas, formed by diverging plates
  4. 6. said to predate the existence of the continents known today
  5. 7. Deep, narrow depressions in the ocean floor
  6. 8. Plate made of oceanic crust
  7. 11. Process in which a denser plate sinks under another upon collision
  8. 12. Undersea mountain created by diverging plates
  9. 14. Boundary where two plates collide
  1. 1. Process where the ocean floor grows due to divergent boundaries creating new crust
  2. 3. Plate made of continental crust
  3. 4. Boundary where two plates slide against each other
  4. 9. Part of Earth's interior where tectonic plates reside
  5. 10. Boundary where two plates split
  6. 13. Proposer of the Theory of Continental Drift