Plate tectonics By Dylan Goldman

  1. 4. The outermost layer of the Earth.
  2. 5. Melted rock below the Earths Surface.
  3. 7. When two plates move away from each other.
  4. 8. when one plate slides under another as the two are pushed together.
  5. 9. The solid outer part of Earth that includes the crust and upper mantle.
  6. 11. The layer of the Earth under the crust, containing the Asthenosphere.
  7. 13. When 2 plates slide past eachother.
  8. 14. The layer of Earth right under the Mantle, made mostly of liquid iron and nickel.
  9. 15. A rigid layer of the Earth's crust that is believed to drift slowly.
  1. 1. The center of the Earth made of solid iron and nickel.
  2. 2. The movement of Earth's crust.
  3. 3. A slowly flowing layer of solid and melted rock that the lithosphere floats on.
  4. 6. Movement of the edge of one tectonic plate under another.
  5. 10. when 2 plates push eachother up.
  6. 12. Melted rock on Earth’s surface.