Plate Tectonics & Ocean Floor

  1. 5. Ocean floor feature found at a divergent boundary, underwater mountain range.
  2. 6. A flat-topped, submerged inactive volcano.
  3. 7. Sediment formed from living organisms.
  4. 9. Settling of sediments out of the water.
  5. 10. Organic or inorganic particles that accumulate in a loose form.
  6. 11. Sediment formed from particles dissolved in water.
  7. 15. Plate boundary in which Earth's plates slide past each other.
  8. 19. The layer of Earth between the crust and core.
  9. 22. Sediment formed from particles from space.
  10. 23. Small, sediment-covered inactive volcano, found on the abyssal plain.
  11. 28. The hot layer of Earth's upper mantle below the crust.
  12. 29. Large destructive wave commonly caused by underwater earthquakes.
  13. 30. Movement of sediments through the action of wind, gravity, and moving water.
  14. 31. Sediment formed from weathering and erosion of land.
  1. 1. Deep, narrow valley with very steep sides found at subduction zones.
  2. 2. Theory that the continents have moved slowly apart over the past 250 million years.
  3. 3. A vent in the Earth's crust through which lava, steam, and ash are expelled.
  4. 4. Breakdown of rocks & minerals by ice, water, and heat.
  5. 8. Occurs when a dense, oceanic plate converges with a less dense continental plate, creates trenches.
  6. 12. The gentle transition from the slope to the deep sea floor, created by the accumulation of sediments.
  7. 13. A sudden motion of the Earth's crust resulting from plate movement.
  8. 14. The greatly sloping transition between the shelf and rise.
  9. 16. The outermost layer of Earth, top of the lithosphere.
  10. 17. Name given by Alfred Wegener to the original "supercontinent."
  11. 18. Vast, flat sediment-covered deep ocean floor.
  12. 20. Type of current found in the mantle that causes the Earth's plates to move.
  13. 21. The outermost layer of Earth, rigid layer of the mantle.
  14. 24. Type of plate boundary in which the Earth's plates divide.
  15. 25. Type of plate boundary in which the Earth's plates collide.
  16. 26. Cone-shaped, underwater, volcanic mountain peak.
  17. 27. The gently sloping submerged portion of a continent, just off land.