Plate Tectonics on Terrestrial Planets

  1. 4. Of, on, or relating to the earth.
  2. 5. Second planet from the sun.
  3. 7. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.
  4. 9. Situated within or inside; relating to the inside; inner.
  5. 11. Liquefied by heat.
  1. 1. Fourth planet from the sun.
  2. 2. The planet on which we live; the world.
  3. 3. All existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. It's believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies; it has been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago.
  4. 6. The faulting or folding or other deformation of the outer layer of a planet.
  5. 8. The branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
  6. 10. Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.