Plate Tectonics Review

  1. 6. These can occur at a transform boundary and are often hotspots for earthquakes (two words)
  2. 8. _ spreading is the concept that magma rising from the mantle will push plates apart
  3. 9. This physical layer of the Earth is broken into plates that move above the asthenosphere
  4. 10. _ currents are the movement of materials based on density. More dense sinks while less dense rises
  5. 12. This boundary occurs where two plates meet and come together
  6. 13. The name given to the massive supercontinent
  1. 1. The remains of dead plants and animals that helped with proving Wegener's theory
  2. 2. This boundary occurs as two plates move away from one another
  3. 3. During this process within a subduction zone, the denser oceanic plate slides under the continental and is pulled down by gravity (two words)
  4. 4. _ drift is the concept that the continents are always moving
  5. 5. This boundary occurs where two plates move past one another
  6. 7. A _ zone is where a more dense plate of oceanic crust will slide below a less dense continental plate
  7. 11. During this process within a subduction zone, magma moves up through the opening and pushes the plates apart (two words)