Plate Tectonics Review (NMESA)

  1. 1. type of force acting at a conservative plate margin
  2. 4. mountains formed by the collision of India and Eurasia
  3. 6. type of fault associated with conservative and divergent plate margins
  4. 7. submarine mountain chain
  5. 9. discovered on the seafloor by Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews
  6. 15. type of force acting at a convergent plate margin
  7. 16. deepest part of the oceans
  8. 17. feature formed at a convergent oceanic-oceanic plate margin such as the Caribbean islands
  9. 19. hot, weak, plastic layer of Earth indicated by a geotherm of 1300 degrees centigrade
  10. 20. type of plate margin where two plates are moving away from each other
  11. 21. German meteorologist whose original idea formed the basis for the theory of plate tectonics
  12. 22. outer layer of the Earth made up of the crust and uppermost mantle, which is solid and rigid
  13. 24. type of low-angle fault associated with convergent plate margins
  14. 25. features formed at convergent continental-continental plate margins
  15. 26. layer beneath the Earth's crust
  1. 1. where oceanic lithosphere is pulled back down into the asthenosphere
  2. 2. formed by submarine eruptions of basalt
  3. 3. boundary between the North American and Pacific plates in California
  4. 5. type of plate margin where two plates are moving towards each other
  5. 8. theory first proposed by Alfred Wegener
  6. 10. process by which oceans grow progressively larger
  7. 11. name of the most recent supercontinent
  8. 12. type of force acting at a divergent plate margin
  9. 13. pre-historic land mass that included the current continents of the southern hemisphere
  10. 14. pre-historic land mass that included the current continents of the northern hemisphere
  11. 18. type of plate margin where two plates are sliding past each other
  12. 23. feature found along the center of mid ocean ridges