Plate Tectonics Unit

  1. 1. an area of high volcanic activity (e.g hawaii)
  2. 4. a shape of a volcano that is more prone to lava flows
  3. 7. a form of measurement to measure the intensity of an earthquake
  4. 9. something miners risk their lives getting from mount pinotubo
  5. 11. a type of plate that slips past another plate from friction
  1. 2. when the oceanic plate sinks into the mantle
  2. 3. the name of an ethnic tribe that bases itself near mount pinotubo
  3. 5. hot molten that ejects from a volcano
  4. 6. a matter of hot ash, lava fragments and gas that is ejected from a volcano during an eruption
  5. 8. a type of plate that runs through iceland
  6. 10. a country that faced an earthquake back in 2010
  7. 12. something given by the volcano that benefits the soil for local farmers