Plate Tectonics UNIT test REVIEW

  1. 3. zone formed where a continental plate and oceanic plate converge, forms volcanoes
  2. 5. bottom layer of crust that is plastic like
  3. 7. deep underwater formation at a convergent boundary
  4. 9. formed when 2 continental crust converge
  5. 11. top layer of earth's crust, rigid and rocky
  6. 12. formed at a midocean ridge
  7. 13. type of plate boundary where plates move toward each other
  1. 1. least dense of Earth's layers, the top
  2. 2. when hot magma rises and cooler magma sinks, this causes plate movement
  3. 4. formed when 2 oceanic plates diverge
  4. 6. formed when 2 continental plate diverge
  5. 8. The oceanic crust is _______ dense that the continental crust, so it will sink
  6. 10. type of plate boundary where plates move away from each other