Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Review

  1. 5. type of plate boundary where two plates collide
  2. 7. occur at a transform boundary involving two continental crust causing the ground to shake
  3. 9. landform created when two continental crusts collide at a convergent boundary
  4. 11. heat transfer in which heat rises and cold sinks(this is what moves tectonic plates)
  5. 12. landform created when an oceanic crust collides with continental crust at a convergent boundary
  6. 13. the layer of the Earth where heat for convection currents is made
  7. 14. layer of the Earth where convection currents are happening
  8. 17. type of boundary where two plates are moving away from each other
  9. 18. a huge and devasting wave that occurs at transform boundaries involving two oceanic crust sliding past each other
  10. 19. thicker crust with a lower density that is covered in land
  1. 1. landform created from two ocean crust being pulled apart at a divergent boundary
  2. 2. thinner crust with a higher density and covered by the ocean
  3. 3. the name of the event where new ocean crust is formed
  4. 4. when oceanic plates slide underneath anotherand are destroyed in the mantle
  5. 6. landform created when an oceanic crust collides with oceanic crust at a convergent boundary
  6. 8. the Earth's crust is broken into pieces called
  7. 10. where two plates meet
  8. 15. landform created when two continental crust a being pulled apart at a divergent boundary
  9. 16. type of boundary where two plates slide past one another