Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes & Earthquakes

  1. 5. volcanic mudflow
  2. 8. theory of moving plates
  3. 11. fastest seismic waves and can move through solid, liquid, or gas
  4. 12. thinner denser crust
  5. 13. type of volcano made with less viscous magma
  1. 1. when a plate moves under another plate
  2. 2. composition of the core
  3. 3. measures the magnitude of an earthquake
  4. 4. name for belt of tectonically active place around the Pacific Ocean
  5. 6. plate boundary that is moving away from each other
  6. 7. real name of volcanic ash
  7. 9. point of origin of an earthquake
  8. 10. between the crust and the outer core