plate tectonics XD

  1. 4. the full name of the plates
  2. 6. a type of heat waves
  3. 10. a hot mountain
  4. 11. part of the earths crust
  5. 12. the thinnest layer of the earth
  6. 15. the sea floor
  7. 16. when the continents moved
  8. 17. the thickest layer of the earth
  1. 1. a region of the earths crust
  2. 2. when two plates move away
  3. 3. old bones
  4. 5. a bord zone
  5. 7. a long part of the ocean
  6. 8. part of the mantle
  7. 9. when two plates collide
  8. 13. when plates of the earth move
  9. 14. what the crust is made of