Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. These ridges are formed when new crust is added.
  2. 3. Waves used to determine the Earths interior structure.
  3. 4. This property explains why continental plates float.
  4. 6. Plastic layer of the earth
  5. 7. The size of mineral crystals found in intrusive igneous rocks.
  6. 8. Earthquakes can occur at the edge of these plate boundaries.
  7. 10. These can form when plates collide.
  8. 12. This is the process that causes the magma to move.
  9. 14. This process holds the particles together in sedimentary rocks
  10. 15. Proposed the existence of Pangaea.
  1. 1. These and fossils embedded in them are found in sedimentary rocks.
  2. 2. These rock can look very different after heat and pressure.
  3. 3. This occurs when oceanic crust meets a continental plate.
  4. 5. When this occurs at high temperature metamorphic rock turn into lava
  5. 9. They are evidence for continental drift.
  6. 11. This process is one step in the rock cycle.
  7. 13. this is one of the metal found in the Earths core.