Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Cooled and solid rock from the Earth's upper mantle and the crust
  2. 3. A type of boundary where plates slide past one another
  3. 4. One theory of how plates move;Plates sink as they get older
  4. 6. Where continental crust collides with oceanic crust, causing the oceanic crust to slide under the continental crust
  5. 9. A type of boundary where plates come together and collide
  1. 1. The big mass of land on earth before the plates moved away from each other
  2. 2. The man who discovered the theory of plate tectonics
  3. 5. The zone above a subduction zone where there is a deep, narrow depression in the oceanic crust
  4. 7. A type of boundary where plates spread apart from each other
  5. 8. One theory of how plates move;Hot molten rock moves the plates