Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Heat transfers by movement of currents in liquids and gases; caused by differences in temperature and density
  2. 4. Plate Boundary that spreads apart or goes opposite directions
  3. 6. a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, generally an ocean or a large lake.
  4. 8. A shaking of a part of the earth's surface that often causes great damage
  5. 9. Plate Boundary that come together
  6. 11. Evidence that fossils of the same plants and animals are found today on widely separated continents (including Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, and Asia - India)
  7. 14. Plate Boundary that rub together, they do not go up in elevation but slide opposite directions
  8. 16. Heat transfers through space
  9. 17. Evidence of glaciers on the equator and tropical forests in the Arctic Ocean
  10. 19. Wegener German scientist who proposed (in 1915) that the continents were slowly drifting apart
  11. 20. Hess American geologist, was a scientist who studied mid-ocean ridges
  1. 1. Heat transfers by touching (within a material or between materials)
  2. 2. The mantle just below the lithosphere
  3. 3. Tectonics A scientific theory that the Earth's surface is made of very large sections that move very slowly; also the movements of the large sections that form the Earth's surface
  4. 5. Wegener said that all of the continents were once joined together in a supercontinent
  5. 7. An area of land that rises very high above the land around it and that is higher than a hill
  6. 10. Science that deals with the history of the earth and its life especially as recorded in rocks
  7. 12. in Continents The coastline of Africa and South America looked like they fit together
  8. 13. Molten rock from a volcanic flowing on Earth's surface
  9. 15. spreading The divergence at mid-ocean ridges of the tectonic plates underlying the oceans that is due to upwelling from the earth's interior of magma which solidifies and adds to the spreading plates
  10. 18. Molten rock beneath earth's surface