plate tectonics

  1. 1. Core A layer below earth's mantle that has nickel and iron
  2. 6. Shaking of the ground.
  3. 8. A measure of average kinetic energy.
  4. 10. Plates huge slabs of rock that moves under a layer of molten rock.
  5. 11. Where the earthquake starts.
  1. 2. waves through space that transfers energy.
  2. 3. the amount of pressure in an area.
  3. 4. something that detects variations in an area of a magnetic field.
  4. 5. ground that is usually frozen all year long.
  5. 7. Earth's thickest layer.
  6. 8. A long narrow depression on the bottom of the sea.
  7. 9. something that spews out gases and melted rock and etc.