Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. An opening in the earth's surface that can spew melted rocks and gases.
  2. 5. Crust and upper potion of the earth's mantle.
  3. 7. the amount of mass contained in a given volume.
  4. 9. Land that is made up of more than one continent.
  5. 12. somewhere inside the earth where the earthquake starts.
  6. 13. Tectonic plates that are pushing under another tectonic plate.
  7. 15. Energy wave that transfer into space.
  8. 16. average kinetic energy.
  9. 18. Earth's thickest layer.
  10. 19. location of excess radioactivity.
  1. 1. An amount of Force in an area.
  2. 2. A break or Fracture in a rock layers.
  3. 3. A long chain of volcanoes.
  4. 4. molten layer of the upper mantle.
  5. 6. The focus where the earthquake starts.
  6. 8. A release of energy in the earth;s crust.
  7. 10. Solid rock layer.
  8. 11. AN amount or thermal energy that transfers from a area or a object.
  9. 14. Below earth's mantle which contains nickel and iron.
  10. 16. a long narrow depression on the bottom of the ocean.
  11. 17. Ground that is usually frozen from year to year.