Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Opening in the earth's crust formed by layers of lava and ash build up.
  2. 7. An area of stress in the earth where broken rocks slide past each other causing a crack in the earth's surface.
  3. 8. Theory that the earth's crust is made of large chunks of land which move over time.
  4. 10. The part of the earth that goes around the core and is solid.
  1. 1. Theory that all continents were once all together, but over time seperated by force of tectonic plates.
  2. 3. Centre of the earth consisting of an inner and outer layer.
  3. 4. Vibrations carried through the earth released by the energy generated by earthquakes.
  4. 5. Outer shell of the earth.
  5. 6. A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by stress along a geologic fault.
  6. 7. Remains of previous living organisms reserved in the rock.
  7. 8. Continental land masses that move relative to one another.
  8. 9. Name of the large land mass which consisted of all continents, which were connected together and eventually broke off.