Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. volcanoes that have not erupted in historical times
  2. 5. a pasty lava that forms steep- sided volcanoes
  3. 6. a fast flowing column of hot mud
  4. 7. destructive plate boundary
  5. 8. material fired high into the sky during volcanic eruption
  6. 10. large depression at the top of a lava cone (not crater)
  1. 1. the main plate around where the most tectonic activity takes place
  2. 2. fold mountains pushed up with the Indian/ Eurasian plate collision
  3. 4. Hawaii's most well known volcano
  4. 6. crust and upper part of the mantle
  5. 8. supercontinent land mass that began to break up 200 mya
  6. 9. the boundary that causes earthquakes