Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. The deformation of the lithosphere
  2. 8. Margins/ boundaries between plates
  3. 9. thick dense layer of rock, 1,429 miles thick, between earth's crust and its core
  4. 10. abbreviation used by earth scientists, meaning "million years"
  5. 11. a region of extremely high pressure underlying the lithosphere, where rocks are deformed by enormous stress
  6. 13. and area of rock that has been bent by stress
  7. 14. a split between two bodies, (two plates), that once were joined
  8. 15. the upper layer of earth's interior, including the crust and the brittle portion at the top of the mantle
  9. 16. the uppermost division of the solid earth
  10. 17. The study of tectonism, including its causes and effects, most notably mountain building
  11. 18. Large movable segments of the lithosphere
  1. 1. Trench/ a deep depression in the ocean floor caused by the convergence of plates and the resulting subduction of one plate
  2. 2. Geology/ the study of earth's physical history
  3. 4. A general statement derived from a hypothesis that has withstood sufficient testing
  4. 5. an area of fracturing between rocks resulting from stress
  5. 6. a branch of the earth sciences that combines aspects of geology and physics
  6. 7. a form of stress produced by the action of equal and opposite forces, the effect of which is to reduce the length of a material
  7. 10. Ridges/ sub marine mountain ridges where new seafloor is created by seafloor spreading
  8. 12. a depression in earth's crust
  9. 17. A form of stress produced by a force that acts to stretch a material