Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. A long steep sided depression in the ocean floor.
  2. 6. The theory of _________ is that the outer layer of the earth is divided into a couple dozen plates that move across the earths surface.
  3. 8. Is the edge of a tectonic plate.
  4. 9. The theory that the continents are slowly spreading apart.
  5. 12. When two plates move sideways with each other.
  6. 13. The spreading of the seafloor.
  7. 14. When two plates collide.
  1. 1. _______ is a geological process in which the edge of the lithospheric plate slides underneath another.
  2. 2. Is the transfer of heat
  3. 3. ________ is a series of vibrations of earth.
  4. 5. Maurice Ewing and Bruce Heezen discovered the _________.
  5. 7. ________ is the process which occurs at the mid-ocan ridge.
  6. 10. The rigid outermost shell of earth is broken into __________.
  7. 11. Also known as seismic wave.