Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. An area in the ocean floor that is a lot deeper then the rest of the ocean
  2. 3. A theory that the earths crust is broken into large pieces that move on semi-solid rock in the lower mantle
  3. 7. When new crust is formed that spreads outwards
  4. 8. A huge wave that begins on the seafloor caused by an earthquake
  5. 9. The shaking of the ground during an earthquake
  6. 10. An item which can calculate the movement of the ground due to an earthquake
  7. 11. When continents break apart allowing the sea through
  8. 12. rock which is found below the earths surface
  9. 14. An area where boiling hot materials from the inside of the earth erupt
  10. 15. The area which is exactly above the earthquake
  1. 1. When tectonic plates start to move causing the ground to begin to shake
  2. 2. Is what creates the ocean floor
  3. 4. Is what creates the continents
  4. 5. When the earth has crust sinking down into it
  5. 6. When continents drift apart across the ocean
  6. 13. rock that has moved onto the Earths surface