Plate tectonics

  1. 3. plates spread apart from each other
  2. 6. reversal\shown by sea floor spreading
  3. 10. mountains/feature forms with a converget collision
  4. 11. and earthquake/ recorded over history
  5. 12. a type of rock that forms on Icelands boundry
  6. 13. that is surrounded by half divergent and half converget
  7. 14. rest on
  8. 18. of rocks/recorded by radioactive dating processes
  9. 19. Andres fault/ example of a transform boundry
  10. 20. a feature form with in a transform boundry causeing a crack in the earths surface
  1. 1. collision/when two continental plates come together
  2. 2. ocean ridge/ a feature formes with divergetn boundry that caused the Mid Atlantic ridge
  3. 4. two plates slide past each other
  4. 5. color of the oldest land
  5. 7. are plates located
  6. 8. type of crust made from granite
  7. 9. currents/in the mantle force the plates to move in a predictable motion
  8. 15. of crust made from basalt
  9. 16. example of a folded mountain
  10. 17. eath crust is made up of moving plates