Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. when 2 plates slide past each other
  2. 4. Plate associated with the ring of fire
  3. 6. color of the oldest rock
  4. 10. color of the newest rcok
  5. 11. The layer are earth sphere located
  6. 12. Forms as a result of a transform boundary
  7. 13. type of crust made of Granite
  8. 16. plates rest on
  9. 19. the mid ocean ridge is a place where ______________ crust is formed
  10. 20. type of rock that forms on Icelands boundary
  1. 1. feature that forms on a subduction boundary
  2. 2. Place where molten rock erupt through the Earth's crust
  3. 5. oceanic crust is ____________________ than continental crust
  4. 7. shaking in the ground,when plates move
  5. 8. feature that is a result of a continental-oceanic convergent boundary
  6. 9. 2 plates spread apart from each other
  7. 14. a feature that can result from an oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary
  8. 15. continental crust is ______________________ than oceanic crust
  9. 17. An Example of a Folded mountain
  10. 18. type of crust that is made from Basalt